Monday, April 7, 2014

Hadiah Birthday.

Hujung bulan ni birthday dia. Ak da plan da nak beli ape. But still xconfirrm lg la. Byk idea sbnarnya. Cuma tak tau nk plih yang mana.
Semalam mase ak saje borak2 psal hadiah birthday dgn die, die bleh ckp die dah plan dah nak beli ape utk adiah birthday ak. Halo abang syg, birthday syg lame lg oi. Bulan 9 nnt haa.. Tp die ckp die xkesah, die dah plan and dah confirm. Suka hati die la. Lame lg.
Mmg ade niat nak belikan phone but xjadik kot. Sbbnya, kalo nk bli kna la belikn yg canggih tros. Nnt kena tangguh sebulan dua plak. Mane best adiah birthday main tangguh2. So, ak da set la nk blikan ap. Nnt gaji masuk je ku trus bli. Snang.
Nak gtau kat cni ke ape hadiahnye? Takmo la. Nnt tak seprais. Hukhuk.
For now, let me just keep it to myself. I just really hope that he will like his birthday present. I know the price is not that much, but what's important is the sincerity from heart right? So, to u, my other half, hope you're gonna use it, and bring it everywhere you go.
Nnt ak da bli baru ak bgtau ape die adiah tu eh. Ak akn post skali pict. Huhu.
Skunk ak nk sambung wat kerja. So, chaooss..

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