Thursday, April 3, 2014

Semalam Punya Cerita

Ak kat opis and internet down. So, ak type kat word dulu. Nanti da ad tenet, baru ak post kat blog. For now, ak xde keja yg xperlu tenet. Means, ak xbleh wat keja and ak bleh memain sesuka hati ak la. Huhu.
Camne life ak skunk eh? Ak just started work dkt opis baru, located at Bandar Utama and the salary is higher la than my  previous. So, yeah. Ak akn try my best utk keja baru ak ni. Kerja byk tu biase la. Yg penting ak reti nk wat. Huhu.
Dari segi kewangan, ak mmg broke gile weh skunk! Ak ni manusia xreti nk menyimpan, so mmg ssh gile la bile ad xkeja for a while aritu kn. Mcm bulan ni, byk bnda ak nk byr and ak lngsung xde gaji okeh bulan lpas! But, thank God ad sowang hamba Allah ni sgt la pemurah yg sentiase tanye ak ad duet tak and keep on giving me money to survive. Siryes ak segan ngan dia and ak pasti akn byr balik bile ak da dpt gaji nnt walau dia berkeras xnk trima duet ak. And, erm.. that person is not my bf k..
For my love story plak, Alhamdulillah. So far so good. Nothing much to say. He is so busy with his work, didn’t get to spend much time for me, but still, I do love him. Perancangan masa depan? Dia cakap bg dia masa 2 bulan lagi utk dia bawak his family to meet my family. So, errrr. I think I just have to wait for 2 more months and we’ll see what happen then. If still nothing and a talk is just a talk, then at that time maybe I need to restructure back my life la kot. Sampai bila nak tunggu kucing bertanduk kan?
So basically, this is it for my current situation. Ade pape update in my life nnt, ak akn share lg kat sini J chaooss.

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