Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Yeah. My MrSayang is not here now. He went for outstation last Sunday. He said that he will be away for at least a month and yesterday when I asked him, he said that he will be away for 3 months. WTF?? 3 months?? Gosh!
I will survive! Oh yeah yeah! Otak hg! 3 bulan kot. Nak ak survive camne weyh! X mungkin kan.. Da la ak ni jnis manusia yg will always say NO for LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP. Its just not me, not my thing larh.
But, ak nak wat camne lagi. Nak taknak, kena trima la jugak. Kalo x pun, ape yg ak bleh buat. Nak amek 3 months unpaid leave utk follow wan?? X mungkin kan.. Hukhuk.
Jiwa kacau oi skunk. Ayat dan bahasa ak mmg sangat agak kasar ye utk hari ni. Maaf kan jela atas kekasaran tersebut. Orang jiwa kacau mmg mengong ckit.
Apapun, ak akn tetap setia menanti kepulangan my MrSayang and ak nak dedicate this song for him. Check it out babeh!
There will never be another by my side
Because all I am is just for you
And there can never be another by my side
I need you here with me

And brush away this loneliness from me

Everything was seem so right
If you were here with me
Everything was seem right.. once again
I need you here with me
OMG! Ak rindu my MrSayang lorh! Erggghhhhh!

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