Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Money vs Love

Ak ad sowang kawan baik ni. Ak pgl die Jue jela eh. And pg ni we were talking about marriage. Not mine, but hers.

Okay. Jue ckp die dah penat dah nak bekerja. And die choose to be married with a rich guy. Die ade bf sblom ni. But, it didn't turn out well. They broke up, and Jue sedih, of course lah kan.

So, she said to me this morning, that she decided to marry a rich guy, and stop working. Tak kesah la cinta atau tidak, tua atau muda, yang pertama atau kedua, as long the guy can support her life, then it should be okay.

And, she asked me, is it I will do the same? The answer is NO. Ak tau, mmg pnat kena kerja tiap hari with gaji kami yg xseberapa ni. Well, at least gaji die lebih besar la jugak dr ak ni haa. But, my answer is still NO.

Ak pilih utk bekerja dgn kudrat ak sndri, dan berkahwin dgn org yg ak cinta (which is my MrSayang obviously). Ak xkisah utk terus bekerja lepas kahwin nnt, same2 carik duit with my hubby, balik kerja masakkan die, cuci baju die, kemas rumah, and all sort of that la. I don't need a maid. I can do it myself.

And yeah, I want to live a happy life with my loved one, and money is not the issue here. Ak tau duet tu penting but for me, my MrSayang lagi penting. Biar ak ssh, asalkan ak ttp dgn die. Which I think sebenarnya takkan susah pun. Sbb kami same2 kerja. Just, kalau nak mewah sgt tu, maybe tak la kot dlm masa terdekat. But, ak xkesah. Siryes. As long as he is mine forever and ever.

Ak tau, akn ad yg ckp, tgh angau bercinta, boleh la ckp mcm ni. Cube kalo dah susah nnt, xde makna nk ckp macam ni. But, I can promise u this. Tak kisah la susah mana pun ak nnt, teruk mana pun cabaran dan rintangan yg akan melanda nnt, ak tetap akn jadi kuat utk tempuhinya as long as my MrSayang sama2 tak give up and sama2 fight together with me.

Ini pilihan ak. No matter what happen in the future, I will stay strong because this is what I want. And I will bear with all the consequences.

To my MrSayang, please stay strong and never give up on me. Cause I will never give up on you.

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